Griffith Business School Expands Student Leadership Program

For over a decade, the Griffith Business School Student Leadership Program has provided selected business students with a myriad of opportunities for leadership development, mentorship, and active engagement within the University community. More than just an academic endeavour, this program equips students with real-world experience and cultivates the leadership skills essential for success beyond the classroom.
From 2025, the Leadership Program will be available to more students than ever before, as it expands to include the School’s postgraduate students who have until now been excluded from the opportunity to involve themselves in this quality co-curricular activity.
Our aim is to equip all of our students with the skills and experiences they need to excel in today’s competitive employment landscape, but also to instil a sense of social responsibility and global awareness. We are excited to be able to offer the program to even more students.” Ms Joanne Fairclough, Student Development Coordinator explained.
In a further development, the program will also be offered in a new 12-month option, supplementing the standard 24-month program. This will meet the needs of increasingly busy undergraduates and the new postgraduate cohorts whose degrees are of a shorter duration.
Ms Fairclough observed, “We received feedback that some students were unsure if they could commit to a full 24-months, and we didn’t want them to miss out. The 12-month offering allows those students to access half of the program in half the time.”
Through peer mentoring, volunteering opportunities, and representing the School at major events, students are provided with a platform to contribute meaningfully to their communities while gaining invaluable leadership experience.
Senior Leader and Griffith Business School student, Izabel Murray, encourages all Griffith Business School students to apply for the program. “The skills you learn, the networks you create, and the self-discovery you experience are incredible. The program enhances student life and prepares you for life after university. It’s something every Griffith Business School student should apply for.”
Over 400 current and alumni Student Leaders have flourished by participating in the program during their university journey and the School is delighted to now open this opportunity to all its students.
Applications for the 2025 program are open until Thursday 19 September, 2024. Interested students can find out more and apply here.
