Yuma Professional Development – Arizona PBS

Yuma Professional Development – Arizona PBS

Research tells us that after a parent, a well-qualified teacher in the classroom is the most important aspect of a child’s growth. The Yuma Professional Development program helps make sure we have more qualified early childhood educators in Arizona.

This professional development program is hosted throughout the year. Sessions usually occur once a month and take place at Arizona Western College in Yuma.

During the training, participants have an opportunity to learn new educational information, take part in hands-on activities, ask questions during discussions and enjoy reflection time. The goal of these training sessions is to give participating educators something they can put to use as soon as they get back to the classroom on Monday. All training is offered in both English and Spanish.

In addition to these training sessions, we also host the Yuma Early Childhood Education Conference every April. The conference is also held at Arizona Western College. Participants will hear from a keynote speaker, take part in over 20 sessions and enjoy networking opportunities. There are also exhibitors from the community, and lunch will be available. 

What are Communities of Practice?

In addition to training, we also have communities of practice. A community of practice is where people can come together and share ideas, new information and help each other problem solve. 

Our LETRS for Early Childhood Educators Community of Practice provides an introduction to Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS). In these communities, educators can come together for discussion, reflection and to learn new information. This is a safe place where educators can take some time away and learn from colleagues in the same field.

Our Program for Infant Toddler Care (PITC) Community of Practice brings together home visitors so they can reflect and discuss their work in a safe space. New information and techniques are also shared, but the most important aspect of this is members coming together for discussion and reflection. This training is provided in both English and Spanish.

Our Yuma County Community of Practice is for participants looking for information on the Pyramid Model including ways to teach social-emotional skills and to address challenging behavior. In this space, participants can take deep dives into various topics, exchanging information and techniques for their workplaces. 

Communities of Practice are considered a deeper, more sustainable type of professional development. Having an on-going, discussion-based community will only enhance all the new things participants might learn.

For information on registering for professional development or joining Communities of Practice, please visit www.azregistry.org.


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